Monday, February 15, 2016

Butterfly Project

By: Anonymous

The dusk flew in on the wings of evening

From whom do you bring me a greeting?

Will you kiss my lips for him?

How I long for the place where I was born!

Perhaps only you, tranquil dusk,

know of the tears shed in your lap

from eyes that long to see

the shade of palms and olive trees

in the land of Israel.

Perhaps only you will understand

this daughter of Zion,

who weeps

for her small city on the Elbe
but is afraid ever to return to it.

I commented on Evie's Blog, Michael's Blog, Diana's Blog, and Mia's Blog.


  1. Hey Siari. First, I really like the Domes they are cool.Was there a reason though why you drew two and one upside down? Was there a reason why you drew two of everything? Was that because you wanted it to be symmetrical or just because? Anyway, nice job. You did a lot of tags and they were well written so I think its all good. Oh and just add your poem below your thinglink so your reader/viewer can see your poem first hand.

  2. Hi Siari! How on earth did you draw the domes?!? Did you draw them, paint them, trace them? They are amazingly detailed. Along with Evie, I am curious on why you drew everything twice and flipped the order of them. Was it intentionally created this way, did it have any symbolic reference to the poem? You also had a lot of well written tags and sources to interpret your butterfly along with your poem. One thing I do suggest is to add your poem so the reader/viewer can refer back to it to understand why you did a certain part of the butterfly. Overall good job Siari!

  3. Hello Siari. I really like how you added a lot of different textures to your butterfly like the trees and the hearts. I also like how you drew the dome. It shows that you out a lot of effort in drawing them. Along with Evie, I am wondering why you drew two of every thing. Was there a meaning behind that? Overall great job!
