Friday, May 22, 2015

Paradox and Dreams

Paradox Reflections
Paradox: "We spend our time searching for security, and hate it when we get it."


        The paradox above means that we spend so much time trying to achieve something great, but when we get it we hate it and regret it. For example, someone is always trying to get a promotion, get a raise, and have more power. Once that person gets it, they hate it so much because they might have to work harder, spend more hours work, and have to spend weekends away at meetings instead of being with their family. 

         I can relate to this because I have experienced this before. When I was little I really wanted a toy that I saw in the store. My mom told me that if I was good all week and did all of my chores she would buy it for me, so I did. When my mom finally bought me the toy I hated it. It was not as fun to use as I thought it would be. I ended up just forgetting about the toy and never playing with it again. 
Paradox: "We proudly insist that we base out political positions on the issues-- and we will vote against a man because of his religion, his name, or the shape of his nose."


        This paradox means that the U.S. states that we are a free country, a country where is doesn't matter what religion you are or what race you are, because we won't judge you on that. We will only decide on the issue. And then you have people voting against people running in office because of how they look, their religion, or their race.    

        I can relate to this because I have seen this happen before. When Barack Obama was running for president, I went to the park one day and overheard people saying how he wouldn't be a good president because he was african-american. They said that he was never going to get any votes and that he would get embarrassed. Now look at him. He is the president of the U.S. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final Reflection Blog

                I learned a lot of different things in Mrs. Larson's class, here are the top three most important ones. The first one is time management. Time management is vital to know because of all the different things we got for homework. We had a blog, an AoW, and vocabulary for homework though out the week. I would often procrastinate and end up stressing about all the different things I had to do on Thursday. The second thing I learned was how to write a paragraph. Prior to taking this class, I used to think that a paragraph only needed to be at least five sentences. I now know that you need a topic sentence and supporting details in a paragraph. The third thing I learned is how to write an objective summary. I used to think that an objective summary was like a regular summary. I now know that an objective summary does not contain textual evidence. 

                 Something we did this year that I will remember for the rest of my life was when we were given challenging vocabulary words. It really helped me expand my diction and not be discombobulated with the definition of certain words. It also showed me that being challenged really can be a good thing because it really expands your knowledge. 

                 The nicest thing someone in our class did for me was that more than one person would be willing to explain what we were doing if I didn't understand it. It showed that they are kind enough to give up some of their work time to explain it to me. 

                  Something I taught my classmates were little tricks to remember how to either remember how to spell a vocabulary word, or the definition of a vocabulary word. For example, "Pretentious". The definition states that it is somebody pretending like they have more importance, talent, and culture just to try to impress. I would say "Pretending", "Pretentious". They sound alike, so all you have to do is replace "ding" with "tious. 

                   I think that I made the biggest improvement in comprehending and vocabulary, and I am proud that I used that to raise my lexile score. Before, I wasn't really strong in understanding what I was reading and being able to talk about it after. The AoWs, blogs, and reading Of Mice and Men really helped me improve on that. I now can easily read something and talk about it. My vocabulary has drastically improved because I didn't know that many words besides the basic ones. Before I would say "confused". I can now say "discombobulated", "befuddled", "bewildered", etc. Comprehension and vocabulary helped me raise my lexile score more than what it was in the beginning. 

                    The most challenging part of this school year for me was time management. I would have extracurriculars and homework, which don't mix very well unless you have a schedule. I struggled with procrastination a lot, mainly because I was too tired to do it after soccer practice. I made a schedule that would set some time off of my day for homework so that I would be able to do it before my soccer practices. At first it wasn't so easy because I was already in the habit of putting things off, but then I got used to it and now I do and turn in things earlier. 

                     My best piece of writing that I did this year was my letter to the governor about Death With Dignity. I think it was my best because I put a lot of work into that piece of writing and because on my final draft, I only had one minor mistake. I also had strong paragraph backed up with reliable evidence. I also put a lot of heart into that piece because I can personally relate to Death With Dignity and know someone that didn't have access to Death With Dignity and had to pass away in pain.  

                     The best book that I have read this year is between The Diary of Anne Frank or The Fault In Our Stars. I really liked The Diary of Anne Frank because it was interesting to read about the topic of the Holocaust(I topic I personally love) from the perspective of someone who was alive during the time. I also really liked The Fault In Our Stars because it was very well written, had a great plot line, and had an interesting twist at the end. I am also a fan of the author of the book, John Green. He has other good books as well. 

                      Some advice I would give to others who will take this class follows this. The first piece of advice is to have a schedule because you are going to need one, especially is you have extracurriculars. The second piece of advice is to stay focused because if you always need to be doing something productive otherwise you are wasting minutes of your life. The third piece of advice is to just remember that although this is an advanced class, you can have fun. :)


Friday, May 15, 2015

Symbolism Blog

Prompt: Identify a symbol (something concrete representing something abstract) that represents yourself. Explain how that symbol is the perfect representation of you in a solid paragraph or two, including supporting details on your blog. 

             This picture symbolizes me in a major way. It is the symbol of the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, originally called the Children's Memorial Hospital. This it the hospital that I went to since I was 5 years old for audiology treatment. It was where I first got my first hearing aid. It was there were my life had began to change forever. It was there where I decided that even though I had hearing loss, that it would not prevent me from doing the things I like and am good at; i.e. playing soccer. My audiologist also wears hearing aids, therefore this is also the hospital that inspired me towards my dream job to be an audiologist.

I commented on Sebastian's Blog, Evie's Blog, Lillian's Blog, Rebecca's Blog, and Diana's Blog.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Of Mice And Men: The Movie

Of Mice and Men
Movie directed by: Gary Sinise
Book by: John Steinbeck
-Section I
-Section IV

                 I think that Of Mice and Men was an overall great book. It was well written and I like how the author wrote the dialogue with an accent that the people in the story would actually have. The thing that had the most profound impact on my understanding of this novella was how the author portrayed the theme of loneliness. John Steinbeck had various examples of how he showed that loneliness, one being the section of all the characters that were left behind. I would recommend this book to anyone from the age of 10 and up. It it a really a great book that I think everyone would enjoy.

            In the film, the director shows us "the incident" differently then John Steinbeck shows it in the book. In the movie it shows it by showing a woman in a torn red dress running towards a barn, while Lennie and George run away and hide in the river. In the book it shows it through the conversation between George and Slim, where George tells Slim what happened. I think that the director chose to do it that way because it is kind of a cliff hanger if you haven't read the book. It leaves you kind of wondering what happened and why it happened. It changes the story because now the movie doesn't have that mysterious mood as of how it happened or how Lennie and George got away.

Claudette Colbert
                  The book begins with the "stage" set by the pond, as opposed to the movie where we see George on a train before that. I think that the director of the movie chose to put George on a train first to show the time period they were in. Today, people ride trains that look way different than the train that George was on, which helps to show that the story took place back in the day. By putting George on the train, the director was trying to say that George's life in constantly moving, just like a train. His life is constantly moving because of Lennie.

                  I think that the director made a mistake choosing Sharilynn Fenn to play Curley's wife. Lennie described her as very pretty with full red lips. I imaged her to have fuller red lips, taller, and have longer hair. If I had the choice of who would play Curley's wife I would've chosen Claudette Colbert.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AoW Impressions Blog

                The topic of child abused and neglect really interested me after Mia introduced me to it.  She explained that there were 1, 593 kids abused in 2012. This topic really interested me because I feel really bad for those kids getting abused. I wonder why the parents of those kids abuse them. I wonder if it's because of drinking too much, or if they simply don't like their child. If they don't like their child, then I think that is just really sad. The child should be put in foster care where he/she could join a family that loves them. Mia told me a couple signs that a kid is getting abused. One of them was unexplained injuries. I wonder how many more signs there are.

                 The Baltimore Riots is another topic that interested me after both Devin and Diana explained to me more of what it is. They said that people were mad after a Freddie Gray died in the
custody of the police. Freddie Gray died of a spinal injury. Still mad, people began to start lighting stuff on fire. There were 144 car fires and 15 structural fires.

               The topic of the Baltimore Riots interested me because I believe that neither side is right. The police should've checked the man. The police's job is to keep thing under control and safe. I believe they already had Freddie Gray in their custody, so it wouldn't have hurt the police to make sure he is ok. I also believe that the people have a right to get mad. When they do get mad, I believe that they can protest peacefully. People don't have to go around burning buildings and cars. Burning cars and buildings won't bring back Freddie Gray or any other person that has died in the custody of the police.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Prompt: Using "To A Mouse" by Robert Burns as inspiration, write a short poem expressing what happens when you have a dream and it doesn't come true.

You have high goals
You have a dream
You have a plan
You think you'll succeed

With that plan
comes you
holding your head high
and letting nothing stop you

All of a sudden
Life gets rough
It gets hard
It causes flaws
To your dream plan

It causes
your dream to fade
And the moment it does
You think you have no more
dreams to hope for

Don't worry.
One dream fades
One dream comes
There will always be one

I commented on Diana A.'s Blog, Nick F.'s Blog, and Joseph's H. Blog.