Thursday, September 24, 2015

OBAA and Article of the Week Comparison

          The article of the week and the book I am currently reading have opened my eyes to realize the problems that refugees have. The article of the week and the book I am reading have a lot in common. They have similarities in the individuals and in the events. They both also made me realize the impact that war has on innocent people and their society. 
          In the book Of Beattles and Angels and in the article "First of 20,000 Syrian refugees arrive in UK" there is the similarity of refugees. Some of the refugees in OBAA are Mawi, Tewolde, and Tsege. The book stated, ""Millions of my people had become refugees..." and , "...they told us what we wanted to hear: 'You are going to America!'" Some of the refugees in the article are escaping from the violence coming from the civil war in Syria. The article states, "The prime minister has pledged to take 20,000 Syrians from camps by 2020." and, "Eventually the UK will have to take about 400 refugees a month in order to meets its 20,000 target by 2020, he added.". This helps explain and show how many refugees are seeking help. 

          The book and the article also have the similarity of events. In both the book and the article there
was a civil war and/or some type of violence going on that caused people to become refugees. In the book it states, "My homelands of Eritrea and Ethiopia fought a deadly civil war from 1961-1991." In the article it states, "...most fleeing conflict in Syria but large numbers also fleeing violence and proverty in Afganistan, Eritrea, and Kosovo." Another similarity between the two would be that because of harsh events in Eritrea, people had to become refugees. Mawi (the author) and his family had to become refugees because of the war in Eritrea. People from my article had to become refugees because of proverty in Eritrea. 

          War affects individuals and society in an enormous and atrocious way. War has a negative impact on society because it causes it to just give up all hope. Once society gives up hope, the individuals really have nothing else left. The innocent people being affected by the war don't deserve to be maltreated. They lose everything. Selemawi's parents (from the OBAA book) lost their houses, their family, their extended family, their friends, and their lives. Once they lose everything, they basically have no choice left but to become a refugee. That leads to a lot of people going to different countries. For example, my article states, "...25,771 people applied for asylum in the UK in the year to end June 2015. 2,204 were from Syria". This shows how many people can be badly affected by war.