Monday, February 15, 2016

AOW Impressions Blog

          This week's AOWs have made me realize a couple things. One of the major and most important things that I learned follows. The Holocaust is still affecting the world today. Mainly survivors and Nazi hunters are those who are having that effect on the world. The Holocaust might have been something that happened in the past, but it is something that will forever affect the present and future. 

          Nazi hunters are still active and out there. One Nazi hunter in particular thinks he might have the last active case. The Nazi that was found was most likely a guard at a concentration camp. He is currently 92 years old and is living in New York. This shows me that Nazi hunters want to get complete justice for all of the victims of the Holocaust. Even though it happened quite a while ago, people still remember it, honor the victims, and hope it doesn't happen again. 

          Holocaust survivors want to make sure that what happened to them, doesn't happen to other people. In one of the articles mentioned that Holocaust survivors are relating to the refugees from Syria. They are trying to remind the government that history is constantly repeating itself and that there is a chance that a present day- version of the Holocaust may uprise. The survivors are standing up for the refugees and helping their voices be heard. 

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