Friday, February 19, 2016


By: Elie Wiesel
Pages: 0-84
- Choose 3 images that represent what you have read so far. For each image, write a paragraph as to why you chose that image

          The first image I chose was a ghost. I choose this because that was essentially what would happen to a person that has been in a concentration camp too long. In the book, Wiesel and his father are put in the same camp. They are stripped of all uniqueness and are gives numbers that they are to be called by. After a while Wiesel mentions that the blows ok the soldiers stop hurting at a certain point. I think that was said to represent the fact that he eventually took so much of it that he went numb to the feeling. Other older prisoners in the concentration camp make me think of a ghost becuase they are so pale, worn down, and transparent in a way. 

            The second image I chose was a highway going two different ways. I chose this picture because those two paths represent how people can be separated easily. Wiesel got separated from his mom and sister faster than they could realize it. It also represents that once something is done, you can't undo it, you can't walk back and choose the other road. Wiesel's father decided that they weren't gonna leave their home, so they got taken into the camps. They can't go back. Wiesel decided to go with the rest of the men and march in the evacuation with a bad foot, later realizing that those who stayed were rescued. He can't go back.

            The third picture I chose was a electicuted fence. I chose this because it represents Wiesel's mental state and the inhumanity of the camps and soldiers. When Wiesel and his father arrived at the first concentration camp, they thought they were going to go straight into the fire and get burned. While walking there, Wisel told his father that he was willing to commit suicide and jump on the fence because he didn't want to slowly burn. The fact that Wiesel even had this thought is scary and shows just how much fear the prisoners in the camp had. It also represents the inhumanity of the soldiers and camps because they basically kept the Jews confined like they were dogs. The soldiers beat the prisoners for no reason and hung children that were innocent. It doesn't even sound like it would be possible to do, but it is and it shows the extent of the inhumanity.

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