The importance that poetry has in my life in that I am able to relate to it, and it makes me realize that poetry is not as boring as I thought it was. Reading all of these poems made me realize how much my life can relate to them. There was one poem called "The Road Not Taken". I was able to relate to that poem a lot because of the extended metaphor in the poem, which was making a choice. I have had to make a lot of choices in my life so that is how I was able to relate to the poem. Before writing and reading poetry I thought it was discombobulating and boring. Doing the found poem, spine poem, and the nonsense poem made me realize that poetry is fun once you understand it.
The life and experiences of the poet can affect the poems he/she creates because they can write a poem about something that happened in their life, or they can write a lot of poems with the same connotation because of how they lived their life. If the poet has a happy memory from a child, he/she might write a poem with a positive connotation. If the poet lived a melancholy life, they might write a poem with a negative connotation. One example would be Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe had a rough life because he was homeless for a while and was also broke for a while. Having that bad/negative life influenced him to write poems with more of a negative connotation.
-Extended Metaphor Poem
-Bio-Poem of a Literary Character
-Where I'm From Poem
-Two-Voice Poem
-Spine Poem
-Found Poem
-Nonsense Poem