Friday, January 22, 2016

2nd Quarter Reflection Blog

- In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts?
- What has been the most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?
- What is something you have accomplished since the new year that you are proud of? 

          I think that I made my biggest improvement for English Lanuage Arts in comprehending what I read.  When I would read books, I would have to read the same thing over a couple of times becuase I didn't really understand what was happening the first time I read it. Reading To Kill A Mockingbird really helped me with this. When I began reading To Kill A Mockingbird I still had to read things over a couple times, but that lessened as I got deeper into the book. Having the questions and quotes on each chapter played a major role in that becuase it would make me work harder in understanding what was happening. 

          The most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for me was time management. This quarter I had a lot of things to do both inside and outside of school. In the beggining it was chaotic because I would never find the time to do anything. I would waste time trying to do multiple things at the same time, instead of focusing on getting one thing done in a faster manner. I started realizing that if I did put my mind to something, focused on it, and tried my best, I could get it done with quality and within a good amount of time. Once I started doing this time management stopped being a major challenge. 

          Something that I have accomplished since the new year that I am proud of is the overall progress I have made in the To Kill A Mockingbird unit. I really enjoyed reading this book, mainly because I had been wanting to read it for long time. This unit helped me a lot with my comprehension, annotating, and analyzing skills. The quote questions really helped with my comprehension becuase it would help sum up what happened. The annotations I took developed a lot as we got farther in the book. The essay we wrote helped me understand what it means to analyze something and I really learned a lot through writing it. 

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